"Withycombe Dreaming" by Karl Strand
Withycombe Dreaming
Location: Mount Wilson
Story: I discovered this tree on private property while visiting a garden in the spring A year before
this was taken. To gain access I had to contact the garden own and request unprecedented access at
dawn for the period of Autumn. I carefully monitored the colour progression every few days until it
was ready. While on the first attempt I was chased out of the yard by the owner’s dog. I returned at a
suitable hour and request if I could become acquainted with Kota. After a few hours of petting and
getting to know each other, I had another attempt a week or so later. Kota came and sat next to me
while this show was taken, much better than being chased.
Size: 40 x 16.36 Inch (130 x 71 cm)
Printed on: Fuji Flex
Framing: Black 40 x 30